What is the Lustre file system?
The Lustre® file system is an open-source, parallel file system that supports many requirements of leadership class HPC simulation environments. Born from from a research project at Carnegie Mellon University, the Lustre file system has grown into a file system supporting some of the Earth’s most powerful supercomputers. The Lustre file system provides a POSIX compliant file system interface, can scale to thousands of clients, petabytes of storage and hundreds of gigabytes per second of I/O bandwidth. The key components of the Lustre file system are the Metadata Servers (MDS), the Metadata Targets (MDT), Object Storage Servers (OSS), Object Server Targets (OST) and the Lustre clients.
Who’s Using the Lustre file system?
Due to the size of their machines and I/O requirements, early adopters of Lustre were the Department of Energy National Laboratories including Lawrence Livermore, Sandia, Oak Ridge and, more recently, Los Alamos’ Cielo supercomputer is supported by the Lustre file system.
Ready to get started with the Lustre file system?